Ep. 006 : New Beginnings (ft. David Esquire)

My father always told me growing up : "...son, sometimes, when you're struggling, chances are you're doing something wrong."
By that, I understood that maybe, in those moments where both my efforts and dedication are unquestionably at the peak, I was applying the aforementioned in the wrong place.

We've all come to a point where this thing called 'Life' creeps up on you and give you one of those 'crossroads'-type choices...
Do I keep going and do the same thing I've always done or do I re-assess, think it through and change my game up?

I've always been a big believer in the power of choice and the impact these choices have on the path we choose for ourselves. Truth be told, I'm going through that right now.


Direct link to downloading the audio version available here
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